Model Airplanes

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Model Airplanes

Postby Peminu » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:15 am

Before computers, I used to fly model airplanes.

This is a very expensive hobby, but a nice one.

When simulators arrived (old ones and mainly combat ones), from the beginning I took the "inside the cabin" approach and didn't want to fly the airplanes from the "outside" (ground view).

In any case, during the model days, you learned to be "soft" with controls and not make big joystick or yoke movements on simulators.

But I guess the biggest learning in model aircraft is: be safe. Repairs cost a lot (time and money) and not just a reboot of the simulator program.

So, the real question I wanted to ask is: anybody had problems jumping from model airplanes to simulators? To adapt from an outside view to a cabin view? Has some forum member passed the 3 stages (model-simulator-real pilot), and what is his (her) mentality? Had to work to get out of vices aquired at the different stages? Can you still be good on the 3 of them?
Just another cast away from that reached island.

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