To elaborate on the "harder to use" thing a little, in FSX I would "undock" the radio stack and AP and put them on my 2nd monitor which made things way easier. In 2020 you can undock certain things, but the 172 AP isn't one of them.

Moderators: Pipe, ZeroAltitude
Yes, kind of interesting. It looks like your typical CFIT accident of that time.Kind of interesting
Did you see the same video I did?Yes, kind of interesting. It looks like your typical CFIT accident of that time.Kind of interesting
Also, kind of unrelated to "MSFS is back".
Nope. I open the link of the NTSB report of the CFIT and somehow thought that I had clicked in the link in this thread.Did you see the same video I did?Yes, kind of interesting. It looks like your typical CFIT accident of that time.Kind of interesting
Also, kind of unrelated to "MSFS is back".
Respect!!! That's actually cool!! (well, maybe not so cool-looking, but still very coolHey a little OT but thought you all might get a kick out of this... with the new version of FS I've been feeling the need for a hardware throttle - mostly because they remapped the old "full throttle" key (F4) to something else.
But in addition to being expensive, all the PC throttles I could find for sale took up way too much desk space. So I made my own! It's not pretty but it works.
Well, I am not at that level. What is a 2K port? (know what is an Arduino, although I have never programmed one).Yeah, I've done my share of assembler and even machine language programming (sorta) but I'm pretty much over it. Nowadays with the "Arduino landscape" and C and tons of libraries, it's a snap to do this kind of thing.
Here's the entire electrical BOM:
1 Arduino Pro Micro board (or clone)
3 2K pots
That's it! Well, okay, you need a USB cable too.
Wire the ends of the pots to ground and v+, wipers go to the first 3 analog channels. Plug the small end of the USB cable into the jack on the board.
Connect the board to your computer, fire up the Arduino IDE, and here's the code in its entirety:
Well... apparently not. I tried pasting it here in "code" tags but it lost all the line breaks! But it's about 50 lines, at least 1/3 of which are comments and whitespace. If anyone wants I'd be happy to email it to them.
The Arduino IDE has to be set up with the right board definition and one particular library, but that's it.
Disconcur!Did you see the same video I did?Yes, kind of interesting. It looks like your typical CFIT accident of that time.Kind of interesting
Also, kind of unrelated to "MSFS is back".
What I saw was a real-life landing of a passenger plane compared to same in MSFS. And it was damn realistic! The FS one, that is.![]()
Doh! Sorry about that, most of the people I hang out with are electronics geeks, so I tend to lapse into "EE-speak" sometimes without thinking about it. "Pot" (in this context) = potentiometer - the device that was used for things like volume controls on radios before everything went digital. This is the exact part I used, though there are many other choices: ... 0L/2564495 (and I misspoke - it's a 1K pot, not 2K - meaning its resistance is 1000 Ohms).Well, I am not at that level. What is a 2K port? (know what is an Arduino, although I have never programmed one).
Not to mention that I don't even have Flight Simulator, or a computer that can run it.
And, not with a little bit of shame, I have to confess that when I used the printer serial port to turn on and off stuff, I did that in BASIC in an MSX computer.
3BS is impressed with your throttle quadrant, even though you MOST DEFINITELY will not know what it’s like to turn final with a HAND-FULL of power levers.That's mostly why I jumped ship and now do most of my "real" programming in C#.
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