Which ones... cellphones or flatscreen TVs?
Prices will definitely be increased (by the guy who repeatedly lied and said the costs would be paid by others) and I don't think it will accomplish a thing. A CEO would have to have a serious case of marbles in his head (granted, some do), to spend a fortune to relocate manufacturing back to the US from a place where labor costs 1/10 of what it does here, knowing that in 4 years the tariffs will most likely go away.
Never mind that IMHO this would be closing the barn door after the horse has not only left, but hitchhiked into town, bought a ticket, and is now on a bus to Fort Lauderdale. Manufacturing leaving the US has been going on for decades, and would be very hard to bring back. A friend of mine owns a small electronics manufacturing company nearby and find it almost impossible to find electronic technicians because the jobs have literally been gone for a generation or more. You can't get work done if you have no workers.
On the other hand, that has not happened with DoD work and I don't think it ever will. And I've got "skin in the game" when I say that... about 3/4 of my employer's revenue comes from the DoD and a few other federal agencies. BTW that includes the SBIR program that Rand Paul almost shut down a couple of years ago. Side note: we have some pretty cool aviation-related SBIR projects going on like this:
Agriculture I'll admit I don't know so much about (though in prior life I was involved in designing a neat chlorophyll flurometer), but the sense I have is that most of the jobs that have been lost in that sector have been due to automation - a phenomenon that again has been going on for in this case centuries (when was the cotton gin invented?).
Bottom line in my opinion (of course), this measure is going to hurt a lot of people, as usual those with lower incomes more than those with higher incomes, and long-term isn't going to accomplish anything useful.
HR consultant, Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems, Inc.